
                        Happy Postulants. Thank you Lord for the Vocations


The formation of consecrated persons is not something that is simple nor automatic… it is not a goal to achieve, but a process to undertake:  It requires attention to different aspects affecting the formation process and an active intervention by the various actors (both human and non-human) who are involved in it.  Formation then is a work that involves God and human beings – that is, the One who proposes it and the one who receives the proposal. It is accomplished not only during a particular time dedicated for it but, more importantly, within the entire lifetime of the consecrated person who accepts God’s proposal.

     It involves the continual attitude of listening and of sharing appeals, problematics, and vision. Each individual is called to allow himself/herself to be touched, educated, provoked, and enlightened by life and history, by what he proclaims and celebrates, by the poor and the marginalized, by those who are near and those who are far.”

       Thus, any person admitted to the novitiate must already show a capacity for an adult commitment that would make her disposed to a life of permanent formation.

   There are important presuppositions regarding the FORMEE in the “new paradigm” of the Consecrated Life: She is the interlocutor of God. She is the one whom God has raised to be His dialogue partner, the one capable to listening to His voice and of responding to it; in this dialogue with God, she discovers her truth and the possibility of fulfilling it. She is capable of going beyond herself. God meanwhile takes her freedom seriously and does not impose Himself on her. God leaves her free to accept or refuse his proposal.